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Supporting Patrick Scheiel & Franziska Volkmann participate in BWF World Championships in Tokyo

執筆者の写真: noname scnoname sc

We're pleased to announce that NONAME Sports Consulting joined one of the supporting companies of Patrick Scheiel and Franziska Volkmann who will participate in Mixed Doubles of BWF World Championships in Tokyo. They overcame many difficulties and finally they will join this competition with a lot of cheering on their back as a member of Germany National Team. As one of supporters, our logo will be shown on their shoulder of jersey. We continue to support them to get Japanese fans and awareness for Japanese sports media. We're praying for his success at Tokyo.

Patrick Scheiel & Franziska Volkmann

Patrick and Franzi - They are not only a couple on the badminton court, but also privately and live together with our two cats in Saarbrücken in order to be able to train at the federal base of the German Badminton Association.

Franzi - Since She was 8 years old she swing the badminton racket. After graduating from high school in Hamburg, she first moved to the Mühlheim an der Ruhr base, later with Patrick to Saarbrücken. Before moving to Saarland, she completed my 2-subject bachelor's degree in linguistics and media science. In addition to numerous matches for the national team, her greatest successes include: 3rd place European Team Championship 2021, 2nd place DM 2020.

Patrick - In a badminton-loving family, He practically grew up in the badminton hall. After graduating from high school in Bavaria, he moved to Mühlheim an der Ruhr, later to Saarbrücken. A few months ago, he successfully completed his bachelor's degree in business informatics. To finance them sport, he started a part-time job. The third pillar is the Master's programme that has now begun. One of his greatest successes is: Multiple German champion U22 2018-2020, World Cup participation 2021

Successes & tournament experience as a mixed pairing: 2nd place at the Croatian Open 2022; 3rd place Ukraine International 2022/ BABB International 2022/ Luxembourg Open 2022; 9th place All England 2021; 17th place World Cup 2021; 5th place at the Hylo Open 2020





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